About Reyhane Namdari

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So far Reyhane Namdari has created 23 blog entries.

January 2020

Internet Era: the problem of self-diagnosing


  In 1952, the creation of the Diagnostic and Statistic Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM) revolutionized how we viewed and treated psychological issues. For the first time, we had a classification system that allowed us to better understand and diagnose mental disorders. DSM V is the most recent version of this diagnostic tool. As the [...]

Internet Era: the problem of self-diagnosing2020-01-15T11:12:45-05:00

April 2019

Training Parents for Anxiety disorders!


With the rapid increase of child and adolescent cases of anxiety, parents are scrambling trying to help their children from falling deeper. Some of the most widely used methods of coping with anxiety are cognitive behavioral therapy and art therapy as well as common medications. Although there is evidence that both approaches work, only half [...]

Training Parents for Anxiety disorders!2022-11-03T16:24:03-04:00

March 2019

Recognizing Red Flags in Adolescents


    As we all know, puberty is a very stressful time. It’s a time of change in multiple facets of adolescent lives: physiological, physical, psychological and social as well. It takes some time to get used to all the turmoil. Some of the most shocking physical changes are the growth spurts, new growth of [...]

Recognizing Red Flags in Adolescents2019-03-25T21:36:08-04:00

February 2019

Co-Parenting: the problem of many generations!


In the past, marriage and starting a family were some goals that people strived towards because of societal expectations. Today, there has been a large shift away from marriage to common-law relationships and divorce rates have increased. With divorce, parents now need to learn a skill that they didn’t think they would have to: co-parenting. [...]

Co-Parenting: the problem of many generations!2019-02-06T21:14:02-05:00

January 2019

ADHD and Student Life!


To be stressed out and feel that there is never enough time to do all the assignments and readings, not missing classes, and maintain a good enough average are all normal parts of a university student’s life. But when lack of time management and organizational skills are added to this combination, it sometimes feels impossible [...]

ADHD and Student Life!2019-01-21T11:36:13-05:00

October 2018

When art therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) go hand-in-hand!


Children do not come to therapy out of free will! They are there because someone else [be a parent, a teacher, or an educator] have found an “issue” with their behavior. Moreover, they often do not know the reason behind their anxiety or anger episodes, their lack of motivation in doing homework, or lack of [...]

When art therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) go hand-in-hand!2022-07-18T11:24:25-04:00

September 2018

Are you struggling with school stress as College & University students?


  If you are a college or university student, did you ever experience stress-related somatic problems, lack of concentration and focus, lack of motivation, insomnia, excessive worrying, or negative self-talk (e.g., I don’t get this, I shouldn’t have applied to this program, I’m not as smart as other students)? Well, the good news is that [...]

Are you struggling with school stress as College & University students?2022-07-18T11:19:37-04:00

August 2018

Cognitive Or Comprehensive Assessment for Children


    We often receive inquiries about cognitive assessments for children. We tried to answer some of the main questions that parents have about these assessments. The point of cognitive assessments is to determine the relative strengths and weaknesses of students while determining their problem-solving skills, time-management skills, verbal abilities, memory, among other cognitive abilities. [...]

Cognitive Or Comprehensive Assessment for Children2018-08-28T18:39:42-04:00

February 2018

Is it anger?


  Anger is a common and universal emotion, which is often referred to as a secondary emotion, because it serves to protect us from other vulnerable feelings. Clinicians and researchers believe that anger covers a primary emotion such as sadness, fear, or anxiety. Our behavioral therapists also believe that children and adolescents with anger issues [...]

Is it anger?2018-02-11T23:11:16-05:00

January 2018

Does my child need therapy?


  Let’s reflect on your past year: How many phone calls did you have from your son’s school? How many behavioral notes were written in your daughter’s agenda? How many parent-teacher meetings did not go your ideal way? For most parents, it is difficult to admit that their child may need therapy for their behavioral [...]

Does my child need therapy?2022-05-01T12:51:11-04:00
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