February 2019

Co-Parenting: the problem of many generations!


In the past, marriage and starting a family were some goals that people strived towards because of societal expectations. Today, there has been a large shift away from marriage to common-law relationships and divorce rates have increased. With divorce, parents now need to learn a skill that they didn’t think they would have to: co-parenting. [...]

Co-Parenting: the problem of many generations!2019-02-06T21:14:02-05:00

January 2018

Does my child need therapy?


  Let’s reflect on your past year: How many phone calls did you have from your son’s school? How many behavioral notes were written in your daughter’s agenda? How many parent-teacher meetings did not go your ideal way? For most parents, it is difficult to admit that their child may need therapy for their behavioral [...]

Does my child need therapy?2022-05-01T12:51:11-04:00

October 2017

Childhood Trauma: Physical and psychological pain


Childhood is an important period of time for human beings. Exposure to traumatic experiences during this time can have negative lifetime effects on children’s mental health. While one may think of trauma as any sort of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional), neglect (emotional and physical), domestic violence or parental incarceration, researchers have indicated peer/sibling assault, bullying, [...]

Childhood Trauma: Physical and psychological pain2017-11-11T17:46:49-05:00
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