August 2020

Art Therapy for People on the Autism Spectrum (ASD)


  Art helps people communicate ideas and creating art with people allows a glimpse of their inner world. Art therapy can be very beneficial for people with Autism for creating art helps them relate to objects and practice communicating in a way that challenges them but is not overwhelming. For individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder [...]

Art Therapy for People on the Autism Spectrum (ASD)2020-08-16T13:34:03-04:00

July 2020

Who Uses Art Therapy?


Art Therapy is a modality, where disciplines of art and psychology are combined to help individuals overcome emotional and psychological challenges to improve their well-being and daily functionality. Art Therapy uses the creative process, pieces of the created art, and exploring deeper thoughts and emotions to develop self-awareness, cope with difficult emotions, and address unresolved [...]

Who Uses Art Therapy?2020-07-22T14:05:42-04:00

April 2020

What does childhood anxiety predict?


The negative impacts of childhood anxiety on adolescent and adult mental health have been studied by numerous researchers. Many child and adolescent therapists agree that childhood anxiety, if not treated, negatively impacts individuals later on in life. We have heard from many of our teenage clients that they used to feel this way [anxious, stressed, [...]

What does childhood anxiety predict?2020-04-28T15:00:12-04:00

March 2020

Strengthening Emotional Ties with Parent-Child Art Therapy


One of the main goals of individual art therapy sessions for children is to improve the family dynamics and to work with parents in a systemic way to eventually help the client (child) to overcome emotional and/or behavioral distress. Art therapists acknowledge the importance of working with parents even though they may spend more time [...]

Strengthening Emotional Ties with Parent-Child Art Therapy2022-07-18T11:22:58-04:00

Improving Social Problem Solving Skills in Children


  Problem-solving skills are one of the most important life skills that children need to develop. The use of these skills is evident in children’s play, math and science performance, social interactions, etc. Certain characteristics will interfere with the development of these necessary skill. Among them are lack of self-esteem, self-confidence, shyness and inhibition, anxiety, [...]

Improving Social Problem Solving Skills in Children2020-03-01T21:29:04-05:00

March 2019

Recognizing Red Flags in Adolescents


    As we all know, puberty is a very stressful time. It’s a time of change in multiple facets of adolescent lives: physiological, physical, psychological and social as well. It takes some time to get used to all the turmoil. Some of the most shocking physical changes are the growth spurts, new growth of [...]

Recognizing Red Flags in Adolescents2019-03-25T21:36:08-04:00

February 2019

Co-Parenting: the problem of many generations!


In the past, marriage and starting a family were some goals that people strived towards because of societal expectations. Today, there has been a large shift away from marriage to common-law relationships and divorce rates have increased. With divorce, parents now need to learn a skill that they didn’t think they would have to: co-parenting. [...]

Co-Parenting: the problem of many generations!2019-02-06T21:14:02-05:00

February 2018

Is it anger?


  Anger is a common and universal emotion, which is often referred to as a secondary emotion, because it serves to protect us from other vulnerable feelings. Clinicians and researchers believe that anger covers a primary emotion such as sadness, fear, or anxiety. Our behavioral therapists also believe that children and adolescents with anger issues [...]

Is it anger?2018-02-11T23:11:16-05:00

January 2018

Does my child need therapy?


  Let’s reflect on your past year: How many phone calls did you have from your son’s school? How many behavioral notes were written in your daughter’s agenda? How many parent-teacher meetings did not go your ideal way? For most parents, it is difficult to admit that their child may need therapy for their behavioral [...]

Does my child need therapy?2022-05-01T12:51:11-04:00

November 2017

Have a child with special needs? You are not alone!


Just how the family influences a child’s development, the child also has an impact on his/her family. Now, a child with a disability has a special effect on his/her family, as the disability can become a source of stress for the parents, siblings, and the family in general. In such moments, consistent parenting and remaining [...]

Have a child with special needs? You are not alone!2022-11-03T16:23:02-04:00
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