Art Therapy for Adolescents

Adolescence is a period of life between the ages of 13-19 in which the body and mind undergoes a variety of changes. While teens are maturing, how they perceive themselves and cope with the emotional, physical, psychological, cognitive, and sexual changes can effect their pathway of life.

Art therapy can help adolescents re-examine their “self” and their problem-solving skills in a variety of stressful situations. Dealing with school’s high expectations, self-doubts, peer pressure, adverse households, divorce of parents, illness, death, low self-esteem, family financial problems, change of neighbourhood or school, trauma, abuse, etc. can cause anxiety and social isolation, which could be lessened with the help of our expert therapists.

Our art therapists in Brossard, West Island, and Montreal provide both in-person and online sessions to adolescents and families. To book an appointment with a therapist, call us or send us an email here.