June 2013



  According to the therapists specialized in working with children, 30-40 percent of children with ADHD experience an anxiety disorder as well, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety, phobias, and generalized anxiety disorder. The combination of ADHD and anxiety symptoms can only lead to a more stressful life for kids. Furthermore, anxiety prevents [...]

ADHD and ANXIETY2022-05-24T07:39:17-04:00

Active Children are not wild – they just need more structure


Art therapists working with kids with ADHD believe that structure, boundaries, and compliments on achievements are of importance in the treatment of these kids. Due to lack of the aforementioned pieces in their lives, most of the time kids with ADHD experience an excessive amount of negative feedback at school and at home, from teachers, [...]

Active Children are not wild – they just need more structure2022-06-27T10:13:24-04:00
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