February 2020

Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy for College and University Students


  Students experience a high level of stress during the course of their studies. Long (and never ending) assignments, double-exams in one day, numerous chapters to read, and preparation for oral presentation can all be stressful. High levels of stress have been identified to have negative impact on students’ psychological and physical well-being and interfere [...]

Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy for College and University Students2022-07-18T11:20:20-04:00

January 2018

Does my child need therapy?


  Let’s reflect on your past year: How many phone calls did you have from your son’s school? How many behavioral notes were written in your daughter’s agenda? How many parent-teacher meetings did not go your ideal way? For most parents, it is difficult to admit that their child may need therapy for their behavioral [...]

Does my child need therapy?2022-05-01T12:51:11-04:00

September 2017

When anxiety is good!


Although it is very common to experience anxiety during exam period, a recent study has shown that anxiety could be associated with higher marks if the working memory is good as anxiety motivates kids to work more. Clearly, anxiety could have a negative effect on marks when the child is having difficulty memorising or remembering [...]

When anxiety is good!2022-05-24T07:32:07-04:00

February 2017

Help your kid defeat ADHD!


In the past decade, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been receiving great attention from professionals and in the media. While most children with ADHD receive therapy services such as behavioral therapy and art therapy, the majority receives medication. Parents and teachers have become more aware of the positive impacts of behavioral and art therapy for [...]

Help your kid defeat ADHD!2017-07-05T03:30:42-04:00

April 2014

Art therapy with Autistic kids


Recent studies on children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) have revealed that seventy percent of children with ASD between the ages of 10 and 14 have also been diagnosed with another disorder, anxiety related disorders are named as the most common one! Behavioral therapists working with kids with ASD admit that anxiety is an inevitable [...]

Art therapy with Autistic kids2017-07-10T15:31:01-04:00

November 2013

Anxiety ruins childhood!


According to researchers, anxious children are more likely to be submissive and therefore their worries tend to be overlooked.  As such, parents should be attentive to their kids’ worries, create a list of their worries, observe their kids’ behavior in social situations; i.e. parties, pool, play grounds, and understand their kids’ anxiety rather than ignoring [...]

Anxiety ruins childhood!2022-05-24T07:35:56-04:00

March 2013

What is art therapy?


Art therapy refers to the use of visual arts (drawing, painting, sculpture, and others forms of art) and creativity in the process of counselling or psychotherapy. This technique may be used to improve mental health and psychological distress, and physical and emotional well-being. Art therapy enables individuals to develop the organisation of their psychological and [...]

What is art therapy?2017-07-10T16:27:20-04:00
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