February 2020

Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy for College and University Students


  Students experience a high level of stress during the course of their studies. Long (and never ending) assignments, double-exams in one day, numerous chapters to read, and preparation for oral presentation can all be stressful. High levels of stress have been identified to have negative impact on students’ psychological and physical well-being and interfere [...]

Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy for College and University Students2022-07-18T11:20:20-04:00

October 2017

Childhood Trauma: Physical and psychological pain


Childhood is an important period of time for human beings. Exposure to traumatic experiences during this time can have negative lifetime effects on children’s mental health. While one may think of trauma as any sort of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional), neglect (emotional and physical), domestic violence or parental incarceration, researchers have indicated peer/sibling assault, bullying, [...]

Childhood Trauma: Physical and psychological pain2017-11-11T17:46:49-05:00

August 2016

My Defiant Child!


If you’re the parent of a defiant child, you are probably tired of the daily notes you receive regarding your child’s misbehaviour at daycare, kindergarten, or school! You have probably felt frustrated, angry, fearful, or embarrassed when your kid is out of control and throws a tantrum at the mall, movies, or a family friend’s [...]

My Defiant Child!2022-06-22T20:51:05-04:00
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