February 2019

Co-Parenting: the problem of many generations!


In the past, marriage and starting a family were some goals that people strived towards because of societal expectations. Today, there has been a large shift away from marriage to common-law relationships and divorce rates have increased. With divorce, parents now need to learn a skill that they didn’t think they would have to: co-parenting. [...]

Co-Parenting: the problem of many generations!2019-02-06T21:14:02-05:00

December 2016

Art Therapy for Art Therapists!


Many of us, art therapists, go through intensive art therapy programs/training without ever take a moment to pause; to dig deeply into our thoughts, feelings, behaviours, motivations and asking why. While we may be overwhelmed after running a support group for cancer patients or after a day working with kids in palliative care, we might [...]

Art Therapy for Art Therapists!2022-05-24T07:40:57-04:00
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