August 2020

Art Therapy for People on the Autism Spectrum (ASD)


  Art helps people communicate ideas and creating art with people allows a glimpse of their inner world. Art therapy can be very beneficial for people with Autism for creating art helps them relate to objects and practice communicating in a way that challenges them but is not overwhelming. For individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder [...]

Art Therapy for People on the Autism Spectrum (ASD)2020-08-16T13:34:03-04:00

February 2020

Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy for College and University Students


  Students experience a high level of stress during the course of their studies. Long (and never ending) assignments, double-exams in one day, numerous chapters to read, and preparation for oral presentation can all be stressful. High levels of stress have been identified to have negative impact on students’ psychological and physical well-being and interfere [...]

Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy for College and University Students2022-07-18T11:20:20-04:00

September 2018

Are you struggling with school stress as College & University students?


  If you are a college or university student, did you ever experience stress-related somatic problems, lack of concentration and focus, lack of motivation, insomnia, excessive worrying, or negative self-talk (e.g., I don’t get this, I shouldn’t have applied to this program, I’m not as smart as other students)? Well, the good news is that [...]

Are you struggling with school stress as College & University students?2022-07-18T11:19:37-04:00
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