August 2020

Art Therapy for People on the Autism Spectrum (ASD)


  Art helps people communicate ideas and creating art with people allows a glimpse of their inner world. Art therapy can be very beneficial for people with Autism for creating art helps them relate to objects and practice communicating in a way that challenges them but is not overwhelming. For individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder [...]

Art Therapy for People on the Autism Spectrum (ASD)2020-08-16T13:34:03-04:00

April 2020

Being a parent during a pandemic!


It is no secret that COVID-19 has changed all of our lives and has left a lot of individuals (children and adults) in distress as it has made us make extreme adjustments to our day-to-day activities. The uncertainty of the situation has been causing higher levels of stress for many families. From worrying about jobs, [...]

Being a parent during a pandemic!2020-04-20T14:18:59-04:00
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